

Analysis of the situation in the cantons

An analysis elaborated by the «Euro 08 Campaign Against Trafficking in Women» shows that the situation in Switzerland differs from canton to canton: the fact if a women is identified as a victim of human trafficking depends mainly on the canton where she gets in contact with authorities.
Analysis in French(pdf) or in German (pdf)

Valutazione della campagna

tedesco o francese.

Immagini della campagna

Zurigo, 8.3.08:

Copyright: Michael Wuertenberg

Genève, 8.3.08:

Copyright: Bertrand Cottet/Strates

Berna, 8.3.08:

No. 1 e 3 di Noemi Vermot, No. 2 di Barbara Rimml
Piú immagini dell' azione in Berna. Copyright: Stephan Szekeres

Basilea, 8.3.08:

Copyright: Christine Stocker

Immigini del 11.9.08


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